Thursday, November 15, 2007

Late nights with a glass of Koteh!

Ahh... Malaysian nights. Wonderfully spent happily chatting away with a cold drink in front of you. It's so nice to be able to spend time conversing with online friends the same way you would an old friend. I only know these guys through World of Warcraft, an online MMORPG. The only contact we have is through the words flashed onto our monitors. Still, we merrily converse on a wide array of topics, from the game world to the real world.

Every game will have its stories, its memories, and the drama involved in real life. Virtual games are still played by real people, so there are bound to be emo-queens and drama bitches in every world. Just like in real life, people meet each other and trade stories on their points of view on ttheir virtual life. It doesn't matter if we're separated by age, careers, race, or location. The memories we share and the experiences we go through together in the game bonds us as well as any real life crisis.

Malaysia, land of the carefree gluttons ;).

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