Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Another day.

Here I am, nothing to do at work. As a lowly intern, I am below the level of even the lowliest full time office drone. I sit around waiting for someone to give me stuff to do, sipping on some cham-ais figuring out what it is a clueless intern like me can do. Aside from filing. That's always available, if not totally useless as well. Why do people file? We should be using technology to store information on various organizations instead of slogging through those weird rolly-file cabinets they have here. I'm still running on bloody XP on this computer. I would have imagined Standard Chartered would have upgraded them in the interest of maintaining a faster workpace and higher productivity.

Although me typing this out probably doesn't help things. Did you know they deny access to Facebook here? Major bummer. Though I'm sure that helps productivity considerably.

I've been catching up on some blogs that I haven't had the pleasure to read for years (michaelooi.net and vincentmuses.blogspot.com). These two blogs (vincent more than the other) provides fairly entertaining insights to their regular lives. Whoever reads my blog should probably go to theirs for some daily stories.

Time's slipping through my fingers as I consider what I could have been doing at home if I wasn't working. I must admit I am learning plenty about the working environment here at the company. I rather enjoy Standard Chartered's stand on having open work environment with a friendly atmosphere. Everyone seems to be working on something all the time, chatting amiably with each other. This is far from what I have heard from top-of-the-line companies filled with backstabbing office politics and slacker workers (e.g. slackers like me). I suppose the workers make up for the lack of tech in this place.

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